This document describes the preparative procedures and operational user guidance of the STM32MP25x microprocessor to
make a secure system solution according to the SESIP level 3 certification scheme.
The security guidance described in this document applies to any boards based on the devices listed in the table below.
Table 1. Applicable products
Reference Products
STM32MP251C, STM32MP251F, STM32MP253F, STM32MP255C, STM32MP255F, STM32MP257C,
STM32MP25xx security guidance for SESIP 3 Certification
User manual
UM3370 - Rev 1 - December 2024
For further information contact your local STMicroelectronics sales office.
1 General information
This document applies to STM32MP25xx Arm
based MPUs.
Note: Arm and TrustZone are registered trademarks of Arm Limited (or its subsidiaries) in the US and/or elsewhere.
Table 2. Specific acronyms
Acronym Description
HUK Hardware unique key
HW Hardware
IoT Internet of Things
MPU Microprocessing unit
RIF Resource isolation framework
RMA Return material for analysis
SCA Sidechannel attack
SESIP Security evaluation standard for IoT platforms
SFR Securityfunctional requirement
TD Trusted domain
TOE Target of evaluation
General information
UM3370 - Rev 1
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