This document describes how to get started with the X-CUBE-53L1A2 software expansion for STM32Cube.
The VL53L1 is a state of the art Time-of-Flight (ToF) laser-ranging miniature sensor, enhancing the ST Flight Sense product
family. Housed in a miniature and reflowable package, it integrates a single photon avalanche diode (SPAD) array, physical
infrared filters and optics to achieve the best ranging performance in various ambient lighting conditions, with range of cover
glass options.
Unlike conventional IR sensors, VL53L1 uses ST’s latest generation direct ToF technology which allows absolute distance
measurement whatever the target color and reflectance. It provides accurate ranging up to 8 m and can work at fast speed (60
Hz), which makes it the fastest miniature ToF sensor on the market.
With patented algorithms and ingenious module construction, VL53L1 is also able to detect different objects within the field of
view (FoV) with depth information (histogram) at 60 Hz.
X-CUBE-53L1A2 provides a complete software for STM32 to build applications using the VL53L1 ToF sensor.
It is easily portable across different MCU families thanks to STM32Cube. This package contains a sample application to transmit
the ranging data to a PC.
The software provides an implementation example for STM32 Nucleo platforms equipped with the X-NUCLEO-53L1A2
expansion board, featuring the distance ranging sensor.
The software is based on STM32Cube technology and expands STM32Cube based packages.
Getting started with the X-CUBE-53L1A2 Time-of-Flight ranging sensor
with advanced multizone and multi-object detection expansion software for
User manual
UM2813 - Rev 1 - January 2021
For further information contact your local STMicroelectronics sales office.
1 Acronyms and abbreviations
Acronym Definition
BSP board support package
GUI graphical user interface
HAL hardware abstration layer
I2C inter-integrated circuit
MCU microcontroller unit
SDK software development kit
SPAD single photon avalanche diode
ToF Time-of-Flight
Acronyms and abbreviations
UM2813 - Rev 1
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