1 General information
This document applies to STM32H745/755 and STM32H747/757 lines Arm
-based devices.
Note: Arm is a registered trademark of Arm Limited (or its subsidiaries) in the US and/or elsewhere.
The following table present a non-exhaustive list of terms and acronyms used in this document.
Table 1. Terms and accronyms
Term or acronym Definition
AMP Asymmetric multi-processing
API Application programming interface
AXISRAM Advanced extensible interface SRAM
microcontroller software interface standard
CPU Central processing unit
DTCM Data tightly coupled memory
EXTI External interrupt
FreeRTOS Free real-time operating system
HSEM Hardware semaphore free interrupt
IPC Inter-processor communication
IPCC Inter-processor communication channel
ITCM Instruction tightly coupled memory
MDMA Master direct memory access
MPU Memory protection unit
MW Middleware
NVIC Nested vectored interrupt controller
OpenAMP Open asymmetric multi-processing
RPMsg Remote processor messaging
RTOS Real-time operating system
SEV Send-event instruction
SRAM Static random access memory
TCM Tightly moupled memory
TXEV Transmit event
General information
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