Designers of STM32 microcontroller applications must be able to easily replace one microcontroller type by another in the same
product family or products from a different family.
Migrating an application to a different microcontroller is often needed when product requirements grow, putting extra demands
on performance, new features, or increasing the number of I/Os. The cost reduction objectives may also be an argument to
switch to smaller components and shrink the PCB area.
This application note analyzes the steps required to migrate from an existing design based on the STM32F401, STM32F410, or
STM32F411 lines, to the STM32H503 line microcontrollers.
This document lists the full set of features available for the STM32F401, STM32F410 and STM32F411 devices, and the
equivalent features on the STM32H503 line, and provides a guideline on both hardware and peripheral migration.
To fully benefit from this application note, the user must be familiar with the STM32 microcontroller family. For additional
information, refer to the product datasheets and reference manuals.
Migrating from STM32F401, STM32F410, and STM32F411 to STM32H503 MCUs
Application note
AN5852 - Rev 1 - March 2023
For further information contact your local STMicroelectronics sales office.