This document is a brief guide for users to get started quickly with STM32CubeCLT, the STMicroelectronics command-line
toolset for STM32 MCUs.
STM32CubeCLT offers all the STM32CubeIDE facilities packaged for command-prompt use by third-party IDEs, or continuous
integration and continuous development (CD/CI).
The streamlined single STM32CubeCLT package includes:
• CLI (command-line interface) versions of ST tools like toolchain, probe connection utility, and flash memory programming
• Up-to-date system view descriptor (SVD) files
• Any other IDE relevant metadata
STM32CubeCLT allows:
• Building a program for STM32 MCU devices using an enhanced GNU toolchain for STM32
• Programming STM32 MCU internal memories (flash memory, RAM, OTP, and others) and external memories
• Verifying the programming content (checksum, verification during and after programming, comparison with file)
• Automating the STM32 MCU programming
• Debugging applications through the interface of STM32 MCU products, which provides access to MCU internal resources
using basic debug features
STM32Cube command-line toolset quick start guide
User manual
UM3088 - Rev 3 - November 2023
For further information contact your local STMicroelectronics sales office.