This document is a brief guide for users to get started quickly with STM32CubeCLT, the STMicroelectronics command-line
toolset for STM32 MCUs.
STM32CubeCLT offers all the STM32CubeIDE facilities packaged for command-prompt use by third-party IDEs, or continuous
integration and continuous development (CD/CI).
The streamlined single STM32CubeCLT package includes:
CLI (command-line interface) versions of ST tools like toolchain, probe connection utility, and flash memory programming
Up-to-date system view descriptor (SVD) files
Any other IDE relevant metadata
STM32CubeCLT allows:
Building a program for STM32 MCU devices using an enhanced GNU toolchain for STM32
Programming STM32 MCU internal memories (flash memory, RAM, OTP, and others) and external memories
Verifying the programming content (checksum, verification during and after programming, comparison with file)
Automating the STM32 MCU programming
Debugging applications through the interface of STM32 MCU products, which provides access to MCU internal resources
using basic debug features
STM32Cube command-line toolset quick start guide
User manual
UM3088 - Rev 3 - November 2023
For further information contact your local STMicroelectronics sales office.
1 General information
The STM32CubeCLT command-line toolset for STM32 MCUs provides tools to build, program, run, and debug
applications targeting STM32 microcontrollers based on the Arm
M processor.
Note: Arm is a registered trademark of Arm Limited (or its subsidiaries) in the US and/or elsewhere.
Reference documents
Command-line toolset for STM32 MCUs (DB4839), STM32CubeCLT data brief
STM32CubeCLT installation guide (UM3089)
STM32CubeCLT release note (RN0132)
Screenshots in this document
The screenshots provided in Section 2, Section 3, and Section 4 are only examples of the tool usage from a
command prompt.
The integration in third-party IDEs or the use in CD/CI scripts is not illustrated in this document.
General information
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