This document describes how to prepare STM32U585xx microcontrollers to make a secure system solution compliant with
SESIP Profile for PSA Level 3 using the TFM included in the STM32CubeU5 V1.3.0 MCU Package.
The B-U585I-IOT02A board integrating the STM32U585AI microcontroller is used as the hardware vehicle to implement and
test a non‑secure application using secure services but it does not bring any additional security mechanism.
The security guidance described in this document applies to any boards based on STM32U585xx microcontrollers.
STM32U585xx security guidance for PSA Certified™ Level 3 with SESIP Profile
User manual
UM2852 - Rev 4 - September 2023
For further information contact your local STMicroelectronics sales office.