July 2018 AN5143 Rev 3 1/32
Application note
How to migrate motor control application software
from SDK v4.3 to SDK v5.x
The STM32 motor control software development kit (MC SDK) is part of the
STMicroelectronics motor-control ecosystem. It is referenced as X-CUBE-MCSDK or X-
CUBE-MCSDK-FUL according to the software license agreement applied. It includes the:
• ST
MC FOC firmware library for permanent-magnet synchronous motor (PMSM) field-
oriented control (FOC)
• ST MC Workbench software tool, a graphical user interface for the configuration of
MC SDK firmware library parameters
This application note helps when
migrating motor-control application software from the
SDK v4.3 to the SDK v5.x framework. It covers f
irmware aspects as well as the use of the
MC software tool.
Note: SDK v5.x must be used for new project
s because it provides users with new APIs.